We know it's easy to get overwhelmed. Don't worry. Pick something, just ONE THING, and do that. Start taking baby steps to preparedness.



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The Great Utah Shake OUt

We are encouraging all individuals and families, and wards in the stake to participate and register for the Great Utah Shake Out, The largest Utah Earth Quake drill in history. April 17th at 10:15 a.m. 

For more info go to: http://www.shakeout.org/utah/

To register go to: http://www.shakeout.org/utah/register/


Neighborhood Disaster Plan

In case of a wide scale emergency, the following is a brief overview of what to do in an emergency-
  • Your family is your first priority, assess their needs
  • If possible, check on neighbors, assess their needs
  • Check in at the neighborhood command post/meeting center (LDS Meeting House located at 11777 S. Willow Wood Dr.) to relay your needs
    • Once checked in, those capable will be sent in teams to assess the needs of those who have not checked in
  • The command post will be coordinating with local and city authorities to address needs and manage resources
We are told in a wild scale disaster we should plan on being on our own for at least three days before emergency responders will be available.